Just Perfection - No Makeup Needed 

So a little off topic and non related to makeup but could not share this amazing experience with you.

My baby Phoenix just turned 1 on 14th October so we had a photo shoot for him with the amazing Victoria Sturdy in her home studio.

I have been working with Victoria doing makeups for her photo shoots so when she suggested that we do a trade on makeup for a photo shoot I was well up for it - already loving her work :).

Phoenix was just amazing and had so much fun at the session. We started to warm up with a few different shot where he wore a lovely outfit by Faithfully Wild. And then a cake smash, following a bubble bath and then he managed to expose his bottom a little for a final shot ;). As an early walker I though this would be a hell of a work and I won’t lie it truly was lol but all worth it once I saw the pictures.

I was out of breath most of the time (mostly due to my unfitness) but Victoria was very calm and collected just helping me and directing me to move Phoenix. She was a total legend peeka-booing with Phoenix and making him smile and look at the camera.

I had a great respect for Victoria’s work but after this session I have a different sort of respect for her and how she can handle a toddler during a photo shoot and create so many beautiful photos for me and my family to treasure for ever.

Others mentioned and collaborated:

Romper by: https://www.faithfullywild.com/product/bears-2/

Photography: https://lostadventurersphotography.zenfolio.com/

Curve Board: https://www.youngandlearning.co.uk/


Vintage Bridal Photo Shoot In A Horse Yard


Vintage Bridal Shoot With A Twist ​